For over a year I've been subscribed to both Bellabox and Vanity Trove
...I admit I've been a rubbish Beauty Blogger of late but I do intend to get back on track...
starting here and now xx :-)
First up I'm going to give you some pics and info from my latest Vanity Trove (this is actually the June 2013 edition)
So, to the June edition of Vanity Trove and their Beautiful Surprises...
Love, love the Apivita products I received - I got the purifying tonic lotion for oily/combination skin and the express beauty mask with green clay and SPF30 sun care for face.
The lotion does exactly what it should - that being removes excess oil, rids skin of the day's build up of 'grime' and totally refreshes.
The mask, well I love masks at the best of times but masks with clay are my absolute fave (that's what masks should feel like :-)) Now, I don't know if I have a particularly small face or something but the mini pack sample I received I've already used twice and there's enough for another one application. (just wrapped it all up in cling film and popped it in the fridge - waste not want not!!)
Face sun cream, again this is lovely and perfect my skin. Texture allows it to be applied easily without leaving a gooey mess...apply your regular make up over the sun cream and you are good to go (out into the scorching sun of Singapore :-)
Ultimate Colla-Gen x 2 sachets - I've not actually tried these yet but I'm willing to give them a go...
Touch in Sol BB cream - I received the 'silky natural fit' which is perfect to reduce shine and hide flaws. I like the texture and a little goes a long way (maybe I do have a particularly small face but everything for the face seems to last me an age :-))
Neutrogena Hydro Boost SPF 30 - I've not given this a go yet (my skin is just not that dry right now to warrant adding another hydration potion to my visage) but I will be throwing it in my luggage for the UK as I'm always like soooooo dry and itchy when I hit the British climate!
What else, what else? Kérastase 'Elixir Ultime - Oléo Complexe' - I do like this and it is already a regular in my hair care routine for the last year or so. I like the option of adding it to dry hair prior to showering as it's oily texture keeps the cuticles of the hair shaft from turning out in to a frizzy mess. You choose your best way to apply though - onto damp hair prior to styling or simply after styling to tame and keep the frizz at bay. I actually find it too oily as a leave in serum, but each to their own.
Finally, my absolute fave of this June edition from VT is the 'full size', yes I'm sure it's 'full size' bottle of Regenerate Vitamin A serum from Skinc. It's certainly become 'My Daily Dose' and it's true that even in just a few days I see a difference. Not sure I'd buy again as it really is pretty pricey ($158 for 30ml)...but then again, perhaps I'm worth it :-)

If I was being critical...I would say that I'm not too keen on the fashion mix in the mag. Sorry, the fashion aspect is just not my cup of tea!
Want to sign up for the next edition of VanityTrove and their beautiful surprises then click away and sign up....HERE...subscribe to vanitytrove Singapore
Something about VT I'm liking is the online review section of their site. It's easy and a fun way to let everyone know your faves, your not so greats and your simply cannot live without items xx :-)
Simply sign in with you Facebook account and you are good to as honest as you like and who knows you might just receive a full size of your fave item!!
I'm currently waiting for my June Bellabox to be delivered...should be here any time this week. In the meantime I've got the May edition of Bellabox to 'Beauty Blog' about and that, well, is coming up next post...
stay beautiful, stay happy and be the kind of person who likes surprises!
kisses 'n' smiles from me xx :-)