Friday, 21 September 2012

Being a Bellabox blogger 'n' Aveda love...

Here is part one of my 'Bellabox Blogger' post.  Not that I want to drag the whole thing out but I feel this needs a little explanation as to why me, little me, with limited beauty knowledge can suddenly become one of the 'kind of' official Bloggers and get involved in all these wonderful things...
well, I'm an extremely lucky girl is the simple answer :-) 

Seriously though, my whole Blog came about due to this beautiful beauty of a box and of course, the inspiration of a good friend.  Bellabox launched in Singapore in October 2011 and I've been loving my monthly beauty samples since then.  Blogging about my goodies and reading fellow blogs about their faves, tips, tricks and general love of beauty surprises makes the whole thing even more fun :-)

Yes, I've covered my monthly delivery of Bellabox and shared my love for this super duper concept.  If you want to join in the fun and receive a box of goodies each month just click and join their 'club' - you will love it xx :-)....

Goodies galore xx :-)
So, to the Bellabox blogger event of September.  I was thrilled to bits to receive an invitation and totally loved the whole evening of meeting and greeting some their product partners:-

Pétronille -
Bioderma -
Elizabth Arden -
Caudalie -
Aveda -

I'll go into more detail of the evening, my favourite product partners, my appointed beauty table and, of course, what was in those goodie bags in part 2....But, until then I just have to share my love of Aveda...

Aveda is not new to me but I have to admit I let my exclusive use of their products fall to the wayside some time ago.  I've mentioned, times many, how I am absolutely addicted to colouring and highlighting and generally 'killing' my hair.  Well, most recently, my hair has become a real disgrace and has been in need of HELP!  I was at a loss and really did not know what to do, MERCI BELLABOX for putting me in touch with Mr Aveda at this Blogger Event.  I quickly explained my situation, the guy nodded and felt my hair (he may have been shocked, but kept it well hidden), finally, he selected the exact product for me (the magical Aveda potion).  A few sprays, a little brush through and WOW I was head over heals in love with Aveda.

Now my hair is back to it's full loveliness and it feels 100% better and I promise, promise, promise to keep it in such a great condition in future.  Thanks to my Aveda Angel at the Halo rooftop bar xx :-)

honestly, my hair has no looked this good for over 3 months

Part 2 will be up v.soon and will no doubt coincide with the anniversary of my blog and the anniversary of the launch.

I could be packing this give-away box just for you... xx :-)

Also, and very excitingly, I have my favourite products and now full size pieces which I've either purchased from Bellabox online store or have been lucky enough to find in and around Singapore (I'll do a little run down of my fave products from my first 12 months as a subscriber to Bellabox v.soon...AND I'm hoping to do a little give away too (if I can master the technology of this)...stay tuned xx :-)

kisses 'n' smiles from me xx ;-)